Thumbs up to all the participants!
Thumbs up to all the participants!
Loved your piece!
Thank You :3
Thanks! :3
A thumbs up! :D
Wow, everyone else's art is so much...pinker than mines.
Well Valentine's day does tend to bring out the pink in our artwork
Actually, yours was one of my favorites. The characters are really sweet together, and love doesn't necessarily have to be pink. (:
pink is just a staple this holiday! But it doesn’t make it bad if you stepped out of the norm!
I like purple and thats why i used that rather then pink.
Tbf it’s a color commonly associated with the holiday. Also I like pink and my sona’s pink lol
pink + holiday = valentines day
easy and simple math
I mean, I went for a much more stereotypical Valentine’s Day card, but yours feels like a much more authentic statement of love. So of course it’s going to be less pink, because it doesn’t need to be.
No no, he’s got a point
Likes drawing characters and vector-like environments. In need of workplace experience.
Wannabe Creator
Joined on 11/18/22